
Leann is the Navigator for the Interior and Copper River regions. She is based in Anchorage and grew up in Galena along the Yukon River.

Leann holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration: Tourism and Hospitality Management from Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado and has been working throughout Alaska for the last decade. Most recently, Leann served as the State Scheduler to Alaska’s Senior U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski. She is an award recipient of both the 2020 National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development Native American 40 Under 40 and the Alaska Hotel and Lodging Association 2019 Sales Manager of the Year. Previously, Leann was an Associate Consultant at OSIYO Communications, LLC, working primarily with Indian Country across the nation and in Alaska. Leann is Denaakk’e of the Louden Tribe (Galena), and is a shareholder of Doyon, Ltd. and Gana-A ‘Yoo, Ltd. (Galena). She is a former President and Director of the Gana-A ‘Yoo, Ltd. Board.