
Rex is the Navigator for the Arctic Slope and North Slope region.

Born and raised in Tikigaq (Point Hope, Alaska), a long-time whaling community, still enriched with many traditions while utilizing the western advancements. Rex lives in Anchorage with his two boys, but still calls Tikigaq home.

Rex worked both Construction and Environmental, but nudged into politics. The Arctic Slope has been in the forefront of ‘Responsible Natural Resource Development’ and are unapologetic about it. Many benefits have come from the Natural Resources found on the North Slope – Healthcare, Education, technology, and a healthy economy. While holding on to the culture and traditions, we hold a unique perspective. As a lifelong Alaskan with ties to the Inupiaq and Athabaskan lineage, the Navigator Program can utilize all the relationships and passion to continue moving the Slope Region forward.